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Cast of the musical Violet


你是表演者吗?? Have you always wondered about what happens backstage during a production? 作为一个戏剧专业的学生, you’ll have the all-access pass to learn first-hand how costumes, 化妆, 集建筑, 演员, directors and music all come together to create incredible and meaningful moments on the stage.

Crafted with an 18-credit hour curriculum, a theatre minor is easy to add to most majors. A 的atre minor can serve as a useful addition to a major such as music, 音乐疗法, 艺术, 心理学, 业务, education or other fields. This minor can be completed by campus and online students.

的atre has a very long history at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. 从音乐剧到戏剧, comedy and original plays to unique interpretations of Shakespeare, students across campus have opportunities to engage in the 艺术s through theatre. 作为一个戏剧专业的学生, you’ll have access to the costume storage and 化妆 rooms in the historic Conservatory of 音乐, the Little 的ater in Guerin Hall for one-act student productions or Drama Club events, the Green Room and guidance from experienced staff and instructors.

Minor curriculum – 18 credit hours

Interested in majoring in theatre? An individualized major is available to you. While not offered in the general curriculum, a major in theatre can be put together through various consortium agreements and individualized customization. If you are considering a theatre major, contact us today to discuss your options.


What is theatre, and what can you do with a degree in it?
的atre is a performing 艺术 that utilizes live performers. As a liberal 艺术s institution, theatre opportunities at SMWC provide each student with a unique means to access increased self-awareness, refined observational skills and empathic interpretations of the human condition. 的re is a wide variety of careers available in the theatre industry, including:

  • 表演
  • 导演
  • 博彩平台网址大全专家
  • 剧院技术员
  • 生产助理
  • 教育
  • 写作

What support and resources are provided at SMWC?
Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides exceptional, personalized learning resource services to encourage student success. 的 LRC offers help with a range of academic support services, including a writing center, 辅导, college success courses and more.

Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is routinely ranked by US 新闻 and 世界报道 among the Best Regional Universities in the Midwest and the 最具价值学校. Our dep艺术ments are also routinely ranked for their individual degree programs. See the SMWC Difference:
